Monday, February 6, 2012

Super Bowl XLVI

For all the hype, the talk about the rivalry between the Giants and the Patriots, all the fanfare, I was wicked disappointed in the game.  The first 55 minutes were a snoozefest.  I would have rather watched the Puppy Bowl than that game.  And the last 5 minutes were only comparatively exciting, since the rest of the game sucked.

I am completely convinced that there will be some report that shows up in the next week or two, telling us that Tom Brady played the postseason with an injury.  That's the only excuse for his terrible performances in the final 2 games of the year.  Now, I'm clearly not a fan of Brady, but that was not the way he normally plays.

Then there was that abomination of a halftime show.  Dear Madonna, you are 54.  Act like it.  I didn't understand the whole Romanesque motif.  I didn't understand LMFAO, or any of the cameos, for that matter.  I still don't understand why YOU were chosen as the halftime entertainment.  But I am pretty sure there were more gays watching the game last night than ever.

The commercials sucked.  I hardly cracked a smile for any of them.  I totes don't want to buy any of the products advertised.

The best part of the whole game was Kelly Clarkson singing the National Anthem.  Girl looked amazing and sounded perfect.  She was a great choice.  If only she could have been the halftime entertainment as well.

Now, football season is over and I'm left unfulfilled.  I guess we go into a football drought until the draft.

Blanche Sanche

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