Wednesday, November 16, 2011


I'm a terrible blogger.  I've contemplated writing many different entries, but they've never come to fruition.  Possibly because my fantasy football season is absolutely devastating and embarrassing to write about or, perhaps, because I know no one reads this anyway.  Whatever the reason, I'm gonna try again.

First and foremost, I have to get this off my chest: Why are people so mean to Mark Sanchez?  Seriously, I need to know.  All week, I've been reading about how much of a failure he is and how he needs to step up his game.  Now, I know he isn't the greatest QB to ever play the game, but Jesus, cut him some slack.  I watched the New England game on Sunday and what I saw wasn't as much of a Sanchez fail as it was a team fail.  The interception that bounced of the hands and helmet of Shonn Greene, not Sanche's fault.  The inability of the defense to get within 3 feet of Tom Brady, again, not the fault of Sanchez.  Overall, he had a pretty great game with 2 touchdowns and over 300 passing yards.  So, why does the blame fall consistently on his shoulders?

In addition, why is everyone talking about Alex Smith like he's all of the sudden some demigod in San Francisco?  Statistically, he's having a better season than Sanche, but he's made fewer throws, fewer touchdowns and he's been on the team for SIX years with NO production until now!  I've watched Niner games and I'm constantly baffled by how terrible Smith is.  The Niners rely solely on their phenomenal defense and running game to win, not on their QB.  It seems that all of his seasons of suckitude have now been erased because of this 8-1 year.

It seems to be forgotten that with Sanchez at the helm, the Jets went to the NFC championship two years in a row.  I'm not saying that it was because of him, lord knows it wasn't, but he was obviously playing well enough to get his team through to big games and he came through in clutch situations.  Alex Smith hasn't done dick for his team since they wasted their first round draft pick on him and still, they throw money at him and pay him for his poor performance.

Is it because he's so pretty?  Is it because he's the kind of guy who makes an easy target?  There are far worse QBs in the league than Sanche, yet he's the first one to be criticized by everyone in the media.  Go bother Tony Romo, Chad Henne, Rex Grossman, Donovan McNabb, or... do the Seahawks even have a quarterback???

All I'm saying is this, people need to have more confidence in Mark Sanchez.  When you get him in a hurry up offense, no huddle with the clock winding down, he's on fire.  When you give him the opportunity to throw those 10-12 yard throws, he's money.  It's when they start trying to go back to the "ground and pound" offense and when he gets too much time to get lost in his own head that things go awry.  He's solid in production, pretty mobile in the pocket and he just needs people to throw a tiny bit of confidence his way.

And I'm not just saying this because I want to have all of his babies.

Blanche Sanche

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