Friday, March 11, 2011


I know it's not football season, but with everything going on, I feel like I've let this blog fall by the wayside.  Sorry about that, friends.  Here I am, though, to briefly discuss the important things that have happened lately.
Jason Taylor was cut from the Jets.  WTF?  They better renegotiate his contract and bring him back or this girl is going on a rampage.
Tiki Barber is un-retiring, which HAS to be because he's broke.  There is no reason a 38 year old man who retired in 2006 should be making his comeback as a running back.  Who is going to take him?  Probably no one.  You've always been my favorite Barber bro, Tiki, but Ronde is taking over now.
Vince Young wants back on the Titans. NO.  Munchak better not do it.  Also, Warren Moon thinks the Titans should pick Cam Newton as their first round draft pick.  NO.  Hello, world!  Our first round pick of VY didn't work; it's not time to start over with another brand new QB.  Let's pick up an established guy before we start picking up fresh meat.
Plaxico Buress will be released from prison in early June.  I think this guy is going to have a stellar comeback... as long as he remembers to properly holster his guns at all times. 
This whole CBA nonsense feels like it's never going to end.  I don't think anyone is willing to give up anything to come to an agreement, so let's just be the overpaid assholes you are and screw over your fans, your employees and the livelihoods of your neighborhood economies so that you can get a few more million dollars.

And I'm out.

Blanche Sanche

Friday, March 4, 2011

Pure artistry

My dear friend, Blanche Collie, went on a Paint drawing spree and made pictures for the three of us.  Though she does not include Austin Collie in her picture, I know he's in her heart.  Enjoy these winning pictures!


Blanche Manning:

Blanche Collie:

You know you wish your friends would waste their time at work making you glorious drawings of you and anonymous sports husbands.

Blanche Sanche

Wednesday, March 2, 2011

A little something to brighten my day

I know there are far more important things happening in the football world at this moment (t minus 25 hours until the lockout), but Chord Overstreet (the Bieber-haired blond boy on Glee) just posted this photo and my heart did a happy dance.  Mark Sanchez + Mark Salling + Wii = Personal Heaven.  I would sell a body part to be a part of this photo.  However, in light of Mr. Sanchez' current scandal, I don't think it's appropriate for him to be hanging out on the set of Glee.  Too much temptation for him, don't you think???

Blanche Sanche